Publication Date April 7, 2016 | WxShift

El Niño Has Helped Fill California’s Biggest Reservoir

United States
Satellite images show Lake Shasta in April 16, 2015 (left) vs. March 29, 2016 (right). The images show the reservoir at the end of California's rainy season. Image: NASA Earth Observatory
Satellite images show Lake Shasta in April 16, 2015 (left) vs. March 29, 2016 (right). The images show the reservoir at the end of California's rainy season. Image: NASA Earth Observatory

El Niño helped steer enough rain and snow to the the northern part of California to help cut into the multi-year drought that’s plagued the state. Southern California hasn’t received nearly as much precipitation and more than a third of the state is still in the most dire category of drought. Dry conditions have started to creep back into the southeast corner of the state