Publication Date October 13, 2016 | WPEC

King tide threatens further beach erosion, Hurricane Matthew damage

United States
Unrelenting tides continue to pound beaches already damaged by Hurricane Matthew. Photo: WPEC
Unrelenting tides continue to pound beaches already damaged by Hurricane Matthew. Photo: WPEC

The high tides this week are called a King Tide, or a super high tide that happens only a few days a year...

October 11-18 is expected to have tides 3-4 feet above normal with the King Tides, and add that to already rough surf churned up from tropical systems way out in the Atlantic Ocean, just south of Bermuda.

Indian River County Commissioner Peter O’Bryan says they are already seeing the impacts. As the 26-mile coastline there suffered severe erosion, they now have the perfect sand-stealing, erosive tides to keep packing a punch this week.


The King Tide, which only happens a few times a year, will come visit us on the Treasure Coast and Palm Beaches this entire week, and then is predicted to rise again November 12th, and one last time, for a few days again around December 14th.