Report: Safeguarding California: Implementation Action Plans

by California Natural Resources Agency

California released its first comprehensive plan for adapting to climate change in 2009, and updated that strategy with the 2014 report Safeguarding California: Reducing Climate Risk.

Since 2009, California has experienced several of the most extreme natural events in its recorded history: severe drought, an almost non-existent Sierra Nevada winter snowpack, five of the top 20 largest forest fires ever recorded in the state in terms of acreage burned, and back-to-back years of the hottest average temperatures.

According to the California Climate Tracker, the winter average minimum temperature of 2014-15 for the Sierra Nevada region was 32.1 degrees Fahrenheit, the first time this value was above water’s freezing point in 120 years of record-keeping.


This document details how California will build the resilience of our residents, communities, and ecosystems to the emerging impacts of climate change. The ten implementation plans presented here represent a master blueprint for executing actions recommended in the 2014 report Safeguarding California: Reducing Climate Risk, as called for in Governor Brown’s April 2015 Executive Order (B-30-15).