Publication Date May 31, 2022 | Climate Nexus Hot News

Floods, Landslides Kill At Least 91 In Brazil

Northeastern Brazil
A woman stands on a bus stop bench as a driver of a Volkswagen van navigates a flooded street in Recife, state of Pernambuco, Brazil, Saturday, May 28, 2022. (Credit: AP Photo/Marlon Costa/Futura Press)
A woman stands on a bus stop bench as a driver of a Volkswagen van navigates a flooded street in Recife, state of Pernambuco, Brazil, Saturday, May 28, 2022. (Credit: AP Photo/Marlon Costa/Futura Press)

At least 91 people are dead, with more than two dozen still missing after heavy rains set off mudslides in flooding in northeastern Brazil over the weekend. Climate change, caused mainly by the extraction and combustion of fossil fuels, increases the potential for extreme precipitation. The fourth major flooding event in the country in five months, the destruction of informal housing on hillsides prone to collapse highlights the interconnection of housing injustice and the inequitably-borne impacts of climate change.

(APCNNReutersBBCReutersCNNReuters; Climate Signals background: Extreme precipitation increase)

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