Publication Date August 16, 2023 | Climate Nexus Hot News

NOAA Confirms July Was Hottest Month On Record

July was the hottest month on record … so far, NOAA confirmed Monday, and August doesn't appear to be cooling off. NOAA joins NASA and the nonprofit Berkeley Earth in their assessments. “It is virtually certain (> 99.0%) that 2023 will rank among the five-warmest years on record, with a nearly 50% probability that 2023 will rank as the warmest on record,” NOAA said. It was the fourth straight month in which global ocean surface temperatures hit record highs. Following the hottest June on record, 9.35% of Earth's surface saw record-high July temperatures. August looks to be in the running to continue the trends. On Monday alone, several all-time records were set across the American Southeast, Nagaoka, Japan, broke it's all-time record high and Itoigawa broke the country's all-time highest overnight minimum, Khanaqin, Iraq, broke high and highest minimum temperature records for the seventh straight day as the central and northern portions of the country experience "the worst heat wave in its history" weather historian Maximiliano Herrera tweeted. The Pacific Northwest is also in the midst of a brutal heatwave. Portland, Ore., hit 108° on Monday and at least 16 daily record highs were broken in British Columbia.

(Hottest month: Washington Post $, AxiosNPRCBS; Pacific Northwest: NPRWashington Post $)

(Climate Signals background: Extreme heat and heatwavesSea surface temperature increase)

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