Nick Obradovich, Robyn Migliorini, Sara C. Mednick, James H. Fowler

Science Advances

Published date May 26, 2017

Nighttime temperature and human sleep loss in a changing climate

  • States that human sleep is highly regulated by temperature
  • Conducts the inaugural investigation of the relationship between climatic anomalies, reports of insufficient sleep, and projected climate change
  • Uses data from 765,000 U.S. survey respondents from 2002 to 2011, coupled with nighttime temperature data
  • Shows that increases in nighttime temperatures amplify self-reported nights of insufficient sleep
  • Observes the largest effects during the summer and among both lower-income and elderly respondents
  • Combines historical estimates with climate model projections and details the potential sleep impacts of future climatic changes
  • Represents the largest ever investigation of the relationship between sleep and ambient temperature and provides the first evidence that climate change may disrupt human sleep