Resource hub
Science Source
| International Journal of Climatology
Annual and seasonal tornado trends in the contiguous United States and its regions
Todd W. Moore
Science Source
| International Journal of Climatology
Annual and seasonal tornado trends in the contiguous United States and its regions
Todd W. Moore
Science Source
| Geophysical Research Letters
Increasingly Powerful Tornadoes in the United States
James B. Elsner, Tyler Fricker, and Zoe Schroder
Science Source
| American Meteorological Society
Getting ahead of Flash Drought: From Early Warning to Early Action
Jason A. Otkin, Molly Woloszyn, Hailan Wang et al
Science Source
| American Meteorological Society
Flash Droughts: A Review and Assessment of the Challenges Imposed by Rapid-Onset Droughts in the United States
Jason A. Otkin, Mark Svoboda, Eric D. Hunt et al
Science Source
| Nature Climate Change
Rapid intensification of the emerging southwestern North American megadrought in 2020–2021
A. Park Williams, Benjamin I. Cook & Jason E. Smerdon
Science Source
| Geophysical Research Letters
Assessing the climate-scale variability of atmospheric rivers affecting western North America
Alexander Gershunov, Tamara Shulgina, F. Martin Ralph et al
Science Source
| Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Human influence has intensified extreme precipitation in North America
Megan C. Kirchmeier-Young and Xuebin Zhang
Science Source
| Science Advances
Unprecedented climate events: Historical changes, aspirational targets, and national commitments
Noah S. Diffenbaugh, Deepti Singh, and Justin S. Mankin
Science Source
| American Meteorological Society
Precipitation Extremes: Trends and Relationships with Average Precipitation and Precipitable Water in the Contiguous United States
Kenneth E. Kunkel, Thomas R. Karl, Michael F. Squires et al
Science Source
| Environmental Research Letters
Cold waves are getting milder in the northern midlatitudes
Geert Jan van Oldenborgh, Eli Mitchell-Larson, Gabriel A Vecchi et al