B.H. Samset, C.W. Stjern, M.T. Lund, C.W. Mohr, M. Sand, A.S. Daloz

Earth's Future

Published date October 26, 2019

How daily temperature and precipitation distributions evolve with global surface temperature

  • Finds that in parts of Europe and the US, wintertime cold days will disappear more rapidly with global warming than hot days increase, leading to a less variable climate state
  • Finds in Africa and the Arctic, however, climate conditions will rapidly transition out of the range of preindustrial variability, and into a climate state not yet experienced by modern society
  • Shows that daily temperature and precipitation distributions from CESM1 Large Ensemble are functions of region, season and surface temperature
  • Finds large differences in regional distributions, where they are particularly sensitive to surface temperature anomaly
  • Identifies regions where global warming may rapidly shift seasonal climate away from preindustrial conditions