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Preliminary peak stage and streamflow data at selected USGS streamgaging stations for the South Carolina flood of October 2015
- Summarizes that heavy rainfall occurred across South Carolina during October 1–5, 2015, as a result of an upper atmospheric low-pressure system that funneled tropical moisture from Hurricane Joaquin into the State
- States the storm caused major flooding from the central to the coastal areas of South Carolina
- Finds that almost 27 inches of rain fell near Mount Pleasant in Charleston County during this period
- Finds the U.S. Geological Survey streamgages recorded peaks of record at 17 locations, and 15 other locations had peaks that ranked in the top 5 for the period of record
- States that during the October 2015 flood event, U.S. Geological Survey personnel made about 140 streamflow measurements at 86 locations to verify, update, or extend existing rating curves, which are used to compute streamflow from monitored river stage
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