Publication Date October 24, 2017 | Houston Chronicle

30 terrifying before and after images of climate change

Atlantic Ocean

Years from now, Hurricane Harvey may be remembered as the first major storm that signaled the arrival of climate change that scientists predicted for decades.

Already, the trio of deadly hurricanes that made landfall in the U.S. during the 2017 season — Harvey, Irma, and Maria — are being associated with the effects of rising temperatures.

In a September article by National Geographic, every scientist contacted by the magazine was in agreement that Harvey's destructive rainfall was "almost certainly driven up by temperature increases from human carbon-dioxide emissions."

For cities devastated by this year's hurricanes, there's little doubt that climate change has begun to feel more palpable.

Even Republicans voters, whose party has long denied human-caused climate change, have shown increased concern for global warming when polled after Harvey and Irma.