Science Sources

Search the database below for peer-reviewed studies and organizational reports documenting climate change trends. (Note: The database does not include studies on projected, or future change.) For studies that specifically identify the fingerprint of climate change on observed trends and events, visit Science Sources: Detection and Attribution.


Title Source Date Author(s)
Climate change now detectable from any single day of weather at global scale Nature Climate Change Sebastian Sippel, Nicolai Meinshausen, Erich M. Fischer, Enikő Székely, Reto Knutti
Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change Assessment: Part I Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society Thomas Knutson, Suzana J. Camargo, Johnny C. L. Chan, Kerry Emanuel, Chang-Hoi Ho, James Kossin, Mrutyunjay Mohapatra, Masaki Satoh, Masato Sugi, Kevin Walsh, and Liguang Wu
NCA 4: Climate Change Impacts in the United States (Volume I) U.S. Global Change Research Program Donald Wuebbles, David Fahey, and Kathleen Hibbard
IPCC AR5 WGI: Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis Cambridge University Press Stocker, T.F., D. Qin, G.-K. Plattner, M. Tignor, S.K. Allen, J. Boschung, A. Nauels, Y. Xia, V. Bex and P.M. Midgley (eds.)
Attribution of climate extreme events Nature Climate Change Kevin E. Trenberth, John T. Fasullo & Theodore G. Shepherd
Title Source Date Author(s)
Perception of climate change Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences James Hansen, Makiko Sato, Reto Ruedy
Attribution of extreme weather and climate-related events Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change Stott, Peter A., Christidis, Nikolaos, Otto, Friederike E. L., Sun, Ying, Vanderlinden, Jean‐Paul, van Oldenborgh, Geert Jan, Vautard, Robert, von Storch, Hans, Walton, Peter, Yiou, Pascal, Zwiers, Francis W.
What We Know – The Reality, Risks, and Response To Climate Change American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Mario Molina, James McCarthy, Diana Wall, Richard Alley, Julia Cole, Sarah Das, Noah Diffenbaugh, Kerry Emanuel, Howard Frumkin, Katharine Hayhoe, Camille Parmesan, Marshall Shepherd
County-Scale Distribution of Ixodes scapularis and Ixodes pacificus (Acari: Ixodidae) in the Continental United States Journal of Medical Entomology Rebecca J. Eisen, Lars Eisen, Charles B. Beard
Climate change and vector-borne diseases: a regional analysis World Health Organization Andrew K. Githeko, Steve W. Lindsay, Ulisses E. Confalonieri, & Jonathan A. Patz
The global distribution of the arbovirus vectors Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus elifesciences Moritz UG Kraemer, Marianne E Sinka, Kirsten A Duda, Adrian QN Mylne, Freya M Shearer, Christopher M Barker, Chester G Moore, Roberta G Carvalho, Giovanini E Coelho, Wim Van Bortel et al
Climate-change impact on the 20th-century relationship between the Southern Annular Mode and global mean temperature Scientific Reports Guojian Wang, Wenju Cai
Rainfall reductions over Southern Hemisphere semi-arid regions: the role of subtropical dry zone expansion Scientific Reports Wenju Cai, Tim Cowan, Marcus Thatcher
Temperature-driven global sea-level variability in the Common Era Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Robert E. Kopp, Andrew C. Kemp, Klaus Bittermann, Benjamin P. Horton, Jeffrey P. Donnelly, W. Roland Gehrels, Carling C. Hay, Jerry X. Mitrovica, Eric D. Morrow, Stefan Rahmstorf
Unnatural Coastal Floods: Sea level rise and the human fingerprint on U.S. floods since 1950 Climate Central Benjamin H. Strauss, Robert E. Kopp, William V. Sweet, Klaus Bittermann
The exposure of the Great Barrier Reef to ocean acidification Nature Communications Mathieu Mongin, Mark E. Baird, Bronte Tilbrook, Richard J. Matear, Andrew Lenton, Mike Herzfeld, Karen Wild-Allen, Jenny Skerratt, Nugzar Margvelashvili, Barbara J. Robson, et al
Expansion of the Hadley cell under global warming Geophysical Research Letters Lu, Jian, Vecchi, Gabriel A., Reichler, Thomas
A possible response of the atmospheric Hadley circulation to equatorial anomalies of ocean temperature Tellus Bjerknes, J.
Sensitivity of global terrestrial ecosystems to climate variability Nature Alistair W. R. Seddon, Marc Macias-Fauria, Peter R. Long, David Benz, Kathy J. Willis
Changes in precipitation with climate change Climate Research Kevin E. Trenberth
Hotspot of accelerated sea-level rise on the Atlantic coast of North America Nature Climate Change Asbury H. Sallenger Jr, Kara S. Doran, Peter A. Howd
Detecting anthropogenic footprints in sea level rise Nature Communications Sönke Dangendorf, Marta Marcos, Alfred Müller, Eduardo Zorita, Riccardo Riva, Kevin Berk, Jürgen Jensen
Increased nuisance flooding along the coasts of the United States due to sea level rise: Past and future Geophysical Research Letters Moftakhari, Hamed R., AghaKouchak, Amir, Sanders, Brett F., Feldman, David L., Sweet, William, Matthew, Richard A., Luke, Adam
Tidally adjusted estimates of topographic vulnerability to sea level rise and flooding for the contiguous United States Environmental Research Letters Strauss, Benjamin H., Ziemlinski, Remik, Weiss, Jeremy L., Jonathan Overpeck
The rising tide: assessing the risks of climate change and human settlements in low elevation coastal zones Environment and Urbanization Gordon McGranahan, Deborah Balk, Bridget Anderson