Publication Date June 29, 2016 | Los Angeles Times

How the early, record heat could affect your ability to make Fourth of July guacamole

United States
The recent heat wave has significantly damaged Southern California's avocado crop. Photo: Eric Boyd
The recent heat wave has significantly damaged Southern California's avocado crop. Photo: Eric Boyd

Last week’s triple-digit heat wreaked havoc on Southern California avocado farms, leaving some growers with burnt trees and unsellable fruit just two weeks before the Fourth of July holiday, when avocado sales generally spike.

Growers in Fallbrook, De Luz and Temecula reported record temperatures between 110 and 117 degrees...

The heat blast is yet another setback to California avocado growers, who are battling water woes, labor shortages and increased competition from Mexican avocados, which now command more than 80% of the U.S. market...

Garcia Organic Farm in Fallbrook lost five of its 29 avocado trees in the heat wave, which means an early end to its avocado season at the Santa Monica Farmers Markets